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      Energy Advisor Training Program

      Home Energy Advisor Training Courses, through a one-on-one mentor approach & on-site job shadowing with the Energy Programs; By ENERMA Sustainable Solutions | Have a Career as a Registered Energy Advisor | Training is Available.

      Enerma Certified Energy Advisor
      Time to Learn!


      Training Program

      What type of work is involved in being an Energy Advisor ?

      • Relationships with homeowners:

        • Includes travel to interested households. An Energy Advisor meets with homeowners at the beginning of an Evaluation to understand their needs and interests.

      • Hands-on work throughout a home:

        • Completing home evaluations includes taking detailed measurements and assessments of a house. This includes going into attics and crawlspaces to measure ceiling heights and insulation levels, setting up a fan system to test the home’s air pressure, and much more.

      • Building energy models:

        • Once all the data from the home is collected, the Energy Advisor inputs the information into computer software that builds an energy model of the home. This involves detailed recording and interpreting of household data.

      What interest, skills, and knowledge will be developed working as an Energy Advisor?

      • Communication, computer, and math skills

      • Building science and construction principles

      • Building safety

      • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

      • The house-as-a-system concept – how all components of a house (insulation, heating, cooling, windows, doors, ventilation, walls, foundation, siding) work together as one system

      • Understanding and using the EnerGuide Rating System to measure a home’s energy performance

      • Understanding and using the HOT2000 energy modelling software

      • Conduct home airtightness testing and thermal infrared scanning

      Training & Shadowing Sessions

      Course Content Outline



      Introduction & home energy efficiency in context (1 hour)

      • Why energy efficiency matters
      • Existing energy efficiency rating systems, how they differ, and how they are used
      • Aim of this course, further training pathways

      The basics of home energy efficiency (1.5 hours)

      • Overview of the three main impacts on home energy efficiency, cost to run a home and comfort: appliances, thermal efficiency of building shell, user behaviour
      • Types of energy, units of measurement, understanding power VS energy
      • What does ‘efficiency’ mean when discussing appliances?
      • Key things an energy advisor needs to identify for each appliance  
      • Identifying age and efficiency of the major gas and electric appliances

      Identifying common major appliances, most efficient options (4 hours)

      • Heating & cooling appliances
      • Hot water systems (HWS)
      • Lighting
      • Pools/spas
      • Plug in appliances
      • Alternative energy production & storage technologies applicable to residential buildings

      Thermal efficiency of a building shell (3.5 hours)

      • Draughts – common draughts, how to identify them and how to seal them
      • Ceiling insulation – types, coverage, safety considerations 
      • Window improvements – internal window coverings, pelmets, frames, glazing upgrades including temporary, DIY, secondary and double glazing, external shading, and how to reduce upgrade costs 
      • Wall insulation
      • Underfloor insulation

      The energy advisory process (2 hours)

      • Safe volunteering and OH&S practices for energy advisors
      • Your assessor kit and how to use it safely
      • Respectful practices when engaging with a householder and discussing their home
      • Reading and interpreting individual gas and electricity bills, further ways to track energy costs and usage, retailer pricing
      • Overview of the report template and how to use it
      • Rebates and financial incentives 

      On site practical sessions (6 hours)

      • Visit two homes, practice conducting a site visit, and giving energy efficiency advice

      Registration Form

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