Understanding the Zero Carbon Step Code - Certified Energy Advisor

Understanding the Zero Carbon Step Code: A Guide to BC Building Code Revision 5

As we stride into a greener future, the British Columbia Building Code 2018 (BCBC) is evolving with Revision 5, effective May 1, 2023. Among the significant changes is the introduction of the Zero Carbon Step Code (ZCSC), designed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings. Let’s delve into what this means for builders, developers, and local governments.

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enerma-air-leakage-test -Enerma Certified Energy Advisor

Air Leakage

Air leakage refers to the unintentional or undesired flow of air through gaps, cracks, or openings in a building’s envelope or ductwork system. It can occur in residential, commercial, or industrial buildings and can have several negative effects, including energy loss, decreased comfort, and increased utility bills.

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