BC Enhanced Heat Pump Rebate Program - Enerma.ca

British Columbia’s Enhanced Heat Pump Rebate Program: A Win for Energy Efficiency and Affordability

In a landmark move towards sustainable living and energy efficiency, the Federal and Provincial governments of Canada have announced a significant expansion of rebates for low- and middle-income residents of British Columbia looking to transition to heat pump systems. This initiative marks a crucial step in not only reducing carbon footprints but also in making energy-efficient solutions more accessible to a broader spectrum of households.

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enerma-air-leakage-test -Enerma Certified Energy Advisor

Air Leakage

Air leakage refers to the unintentional or undesired flow of air through gaps, cracks, or openings in a building’s envelope or ductwork system. It can occur in residential, commercial, or industrial buildings and can have several negative effects, including energy loss, decreased comfort, and increased utility bills.

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