Understanding Passive House Buildings: The Future of Sustainable Living. Enerma Energy Advisor

Understanding Passive House Buildings: The Future of Sustainable Living

In the world of sustainable architecture, Passive House buildings stand out as a beacon of energy efficiency and comfort. These buildings, known for their rigorous standards and impressive performance, offer a glimpse into the future of eco-friendly living. Let’s delve into what Passive House buildings are, their benefits, and why they are becoming a preferred choice for homeowners and builders alike.

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BC Enhanced Heat Pump Rebate Program - Enerma.ca

British Columbia’s Enhanced Heat Pump Rebate Program: A Win for Energy Efficiency and Affordability

In a landmark move towards sustainable living and energy efficiency, the Federal and Provincial governments of Canada have announced a significant expansion of rebates for low- and middle-income residents of British Columbia looking to transition to heat pump systems. This initiative marks a crucial step in not only reducing carbon footprints but also in making energy-efficient solutions more accessible to a broader spectrum of households.

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Vancouver’s Updated Energy Requirements for New Homes - VBBL - Enerma Vancouver Energy Advisor

Navigating Vancouver’s Updated Energy Requirements for New Homes

Are you on the brink of designing or constructing a new single-family or multi-family home in Vancouver? Whether you’re envisioning a cozy townhouse, a spacious family abode, or a modern laneway dwelling, understanding the city’s latest energy requirements is paramount. Effective January 1, 2022, Vancouver has implemented updated regulations under the 2019 Vancouver Building By-law (VBBL) for residential buildings ranging from one to three storey homes. These changes are aimed at enhancing envelope efficiency and curbing emissions in new low-rise homes.

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BC Building Code 2024: Climate Zone 4 has expanded

BC Building Code 2024: Climate Zone 4 has expanded

As of March 8, 2024, British Columbia ushered in the latest edition of the BC Building Code, marking another milestone in the province’s commitment to safety, efficiency, and sustainability in construction. While the core technical requirements for the BC Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code remain unchanged, there are notable adjustments that builders and stakeholders need to be aware of.

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BC Building Code (BCBC) 2024: Pioneering Sustainability and Safety with BC Codes

BC Building Code (BCBC) 2024: Pioneering Sustainability and Safety with BC Codes

The BC Building Code (BCBC) 2024 brings a new era of innovation and safety to the construction landscape. Based on the National Codes 2020, BCBC 2024 incorporates BC-specific variations to cater to the province’s unique geography, climate, industry practices, and priorities. Let’s delve into the key highlights of BC Codes 2024 and the impactful changes they bring:

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enerma-air-leakage-test -Enerma Certified Energy Advisor

Air Leakage

Air leakage refers to the unintentional or undesired flow of air through gaps, cracks, or openings in a building’s envelope or ductwork system. It can occur in residential, commercial, or industrial buildings and can have several negative effects, including energy loss, decreased comfort, and increased utility bills.

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